A message to people living in Japan from the Ambassador
 Kosovo is located in the heart of South East Europe. With a population of 2 million people, Kosovo borders Albania to the southwest, Montenegro to the northwest, Macedonia to the south, and Serbia to the east. Positioned in the centre of the Balkan Peninsula, it presents an important junction of the Central and Southern Europe, and the Adriatic and Black Sea.
 The establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Kosovo has laid the foundation of friendly and cooperative future relations. Japan is a fascinating country that has shown its commitment to Kosovo, for which we are very appreciative. It is Kosovo’s sincere desire to actively consolidate and expand the relations at various levels. I hope that gaining a personal acquaintance with my country will help in strengthening the relationship.
 Kosovo presents a rich ethno-cultural, material and spiritual heritage treasure-house of different historical periods. With their unique characteristics, features, and qualities each culture has contributed its diverse values to the cultural heritage of Kosovo.
  One of the important sectors of the agriculture in Kosovo that has long tradition is grape-growing and wine production. The continental climate and vineyard height of 300 to 400 meters above sea level is very well suited to the production of high quality grapes and wines. There are more than 200 sunny days annually to ripen the grapes, on a par with some much better known wine-producing regions. What we must do is present Kosovo more, so that the Japanese market will know of Kosovo’s existence as a winemaking country with a good quality and put Kosovo on the wine-making map.
 コソボ共和国において、長い伝統を持つ農業の重要なセクターのひとつは、ぶどう栽培とワイン製造です。大陸性気候と海抜 300〜400m に位置するブドウ園は、高品質なぶどう栽培とワイン製造に最良の環境です。コソボ共和国は、他の有名ワイン生産地と同等なぶどうを熟成させるために必要な陽の光が、毎年200日以上降り注いでいます。我々がしなくてはならないことは、日本の皆様によりコソボ共和国について知ってもらうことです。そのためにも、高品質なワイン製造国としてのコソボ共和国の存在を知っていただき、ワイン市場にコソボ共和国が位置付けられれば幸いです。
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Japan
Sami Ukelli